cup 7
Originally uploaded by matt_leclair.
Originally uploaded by matt_leclair.
When: December 30th, 2004, 9 am
Present: just me
Coffee: Maine Roaster's Coffee French Roast
Mood: anxious
I knew that getting cats would change my life in ways I never expected. This is the third day the beautiful sisters Dot and Dash have been living with us. They got fixed just before they moved in, and their bellies are all shaved and wounded. We have to give them pain medication three times a day, so the first thing I did the morning was to give the kitties their pills. Second thing I did today was pet the kitties, and before I knew it, I was out of bed for a whole hour without having a cup of coffee! I'm used to having my own selfish interests as the primary motivating factors in my life, but these little creatures are changing that. And then I went and checked my email without even making coffee yet. A big mistake. One of my students had emailed me to let me know the Portfolio server was down. Big stress there. I'd really intended for the server to be used by a few dozen people, but the response to doing portfolios electronically was much greater than I'd planned. Now I'm hosting around 500 people on what was supposed to have been just a test to find out what we'd need to do to make it work. Now the server is down, the building is locked up, and there's nothing I can do and I have no idea how many people are going to be inconvenienced by this, or if it is something simple or something major. The coffee was just a fact this morning. I was drinking it, but not tasting it. It could have been a lovely morning. The Twilight Zone marathon is on the SciFi channel and it would have been wonderful to ease into the day with a good cup of coffee and an episode of the best TV show ever broadcast. Instead I am stuck with frustration and a sense of impending doom. Gah.